
I have learned that everyone has a story, and it is worthy of sharing for the growth of another. Life is hard; no one escapes without a few bumps and bruises along the way. The true stories or parables I write are meant to encourage all to take that next step forward.

– Kathy Bruins


Kathy Bruins

Professionally writing since 2000, Kathy gained scribe skills along with business know-how throughout the years and is still growing. Thankful for the help of other professionals at her beginning, paying it forward is important to her. She does this through her encouragement at conferences, one-on-ones, and beginning a ministry for Christian creatives called The Well. Kathy, with her great leadership team, work hard to meet their mission of equipping, networking, and refreshing the artist that serves God. Find out more here.

Living in Southwest Michigan with her husband, John, gives great opportunity to experience all the seasons. Her theory of becoming friends with the snow is to leap into it and make a happy snow angel.


In addition to conference organization and writing services, Kathy provides a number of related services:

  • Ghostwriting/Collaboration
  • Editing
  • Coaching/Mentoring
  • Speaking/Teaching

Buy Books

Each of these books Kathy has written or helped others get published. Every purchase you make contributes to a ministry like The Well, Word Weavers, and others.
